Be Real
I’m Goofy and I Know It
Being in a car accident and attending two celebrations of life this summer really dampened my spirit… or did it?
Being in a car accident and attending two celebrations of life this summer really dampened my spirit… or did it?
I’ve had a heckuva time staying on track with my own self-imposed rules on how I should live, feel better, be better, keep striving for more…I see what needs to be done. Set some new rules, get overwhelmed, paralyzed, and wonder what I was trying to accomplish in the first place. My little inner rebel emerges and I literally fight against myself…
“Who am I to life coach anyone? I don’t have my life together yet.” “How am I to sustain a business when I am in so much pain and feel like crap?” “Where is the stamina other people seem to find to be successful?” “Why can’t I figure this out?” “Why can’t I just effing feel good?”
Those were some of the questions that plagued my mind.
Good God, I must have tried every free self-help product or service that came my way. I also put bills on hold, ran up credit card debt, and ate oatmeal for weeks so I could invest thousands of dollars in the “best” programs, products, people, and coaching for myself so I could…
Plain and simple, the main thing that stopped me was fear. Fear of not being perfect, fear of being judged, fear of not being inspiring enough. Fear of wasting mine and others time.